Articles on: How does Project Casting work?

Community Guidelines

Post email addresses, web address, IM, ICQ, Images, Links, video, audio or display any other personal contact information except where specifically authorized or posted by Project Casting.

Submit, publish, or display on the site any defamatory, abusive, obscene, threatening, racially or sexually offensive or illegal material or any material or opinion that infringes on the rights or beliefs of others, or is a direct threat to any kind livelihood.

Target Project Casting or any affiliates, vendors, owners, or employees with abuse, either written or spoken, that would cause either stress or discomfort.

Use a false email address, impersonate any other person(s) or act as any kind of representative falsely or otherwise mislead as to the origin of content user.

Use Project Casting Software or the site to sell or advertise for a specific purpose or promotion, unless authorized by Project Casting. Use of the site in this way is strictly prohibited. The distribution of e-mails and/or messages to our membership or subscribers (casting directors and talent), except as determined by Project Casting, is also strictly prohibited.

Involve or attempt to associate Project Casting or any affiliates in any way with the posting or transmission of advertising, promotional materials, or any other form of solicitation except where authorized the use of any related Project Casting name, image or materials, except where agreed upon and authorized by Project Casting.

Republish in any way shape or form written proprietary information from the site without written permission from Project Casting.

Abuse this code of ethics. You and/or your agency may without prior warning have your account terminated by Project Casting. In the event of a serious violation (as determined by Consequences for Abusive Conduct), you will be denied access to Project Casting and materials.

CONSEQUENCES FOR ABUSIVE CONDUCT: Not only does Project Casting reserve the right to terminate your account but may file suit against you or any representative of your organization/representation if you are in violation as defined and determined by the consequences for abusive conduct. We may seek compensation from you for potential damage to our reputation caused by your actions. Project Casting has the right and is obligated to work with authorities regarding any suspected violation of this code of ethics. Reporting Abusive Conduct: To report abusive conduct, please contact us immediately at, or call our office. While we are under no obligation to police the site, we will try to remove or deal with any parties that are in violation.

Updated on: 15/02/2024

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